In managed mode, switching to Manufacturing uses the configuration defined by template_tc.dat and not template_part_planner.dat.




In managed mode, when creating a new CAM setup by switching to Manufacturing, the library configuration available is defined by the contents of template_tc.dat and not template_part_planner.dat. Both are named references of the UGCAMTemplateData data set.

Steps to reproduce:

Start NX in managed mode (TC

Create a new Model file and save.

Switch to manufacturing application.

In the Machining Environment dialog window, choose cam_teamcenter_ascii_library for the CAM Session Environment. Hit OK.

In the Library Class Selection dialog, navigate the Setup Template tree.

Note that the selections available are limited to those defined in the template_tc.dat file.  The contents of template_part_planner.dat file which is also a named reference of UGCAMTemplateData are ignored.

Additional testing shows:

Deleting the template_tc.dat as a named reference will cause an FMS error message

Replacing the contents of template_tc.dat with that of template_part_planner.dat shows template_tc.dat is being read.


According to the cam configuration in use, this is expected behavior. The library template set information is called out in the cam configuration. We can follow this chain. For example, in the active cam_teamcenter_ascii_library.dat file, this line gives NX the library setup template file set:


Looking in the NX log file, we can verify the path for the UGII_CAM_LIBRARY_TEMPLATE_DIR env:

[4] UGII_CAM_LIBRARY_TEMPLATE_DIR C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX1953\mach\resource\template_dir\

Looking in this folder, we find the tcl driver files being called for:

Assuming these are all unmodified default files, we can look in the "template_teamcenter.def" file named in the active cam configuration. This will show us the standard library classes for this setup creation environment:

Note that these are the same classes called for in the template_tc.dat file.

By contrast, examine the default entry for the LIBRARY_SETUP_TEMPLATE keyword in the OOTB cam_part_planner_mrl.dat configuration file:


This configuration is used as the default when running fully integrated MRL instead of the native ascii libraries. If we look at the contents of the "template_part_planner.def" file, we can see all the library classes that we expect from the template_part_planner.dat file:

To use the template_part_planner.dat file instead of the template_tc.dat file, edit the current cam configuration and point the LIBRARY_SETUP_TEMPLATE keyword to the template_part_planner.def and .tcl files, as per the contents of the default cam_part_planner_mrl.dat file (you can copy/paste the line to replace your current one).

Restart NX to get the update and try the process again. When you get to the point where you select the cam_teamcenter_ascii_library configuration for the CAM Session Environment and hit OK, you will be presented with the expected setup list using the template_part_planner.dat file classes.

KB Article ID# PL8755924



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