User are unable to reference null files for STEP242 translators in NX2007 series.
The capability to reference the null files for STEP242 was first made available in NX2206. so this cannot be done in NX2007 series.
In NX2206, the variables were inadvertently omitted, so the user can manually add the following statements to the step242ug.def file in the ../TRANSLATORS/step242 folder
BASE_PART_MM =<your UGII_BASE_DIR here>/TRANSLATORS/step242/step242null_mm.prt
BASE_PART_IN = <your UGII_BASE_DIR here>/TRANSLATORS/step242/step242null_in.prt
This will allow the user to customize the STEP242 template files to their specifications.
NotesIn NX2212 and later releases, we added the following additional STEP242 base parts which are referenced in the def files:
BASE_PART_MICRON = step242null_micron.prt
BASE_PART_MM = step242null_mm.prt
BASE_PART_METER = step242null_meter.prt
BASE_PART_IN = step242null_in.prt