How to realize the significance of JOGGLE_LENGTH and Lightening_Cutout defined sheetmetal material table?
SolutionSet "Show" for JOGGLE_LENGTH and Lightening_Cutout in the material table as shown below. ( %UGII_BASE_DIR%\UGII\materials\sheet_metal_material_table.txt)
Enter a value for JOGGLE_LENGTH or keep the default @JOGGLE_LENGTH_TABLE_1,
@JOGGLE_LENGTH_TABLE_1 refers the value for the joggle length(R) will be taken from the JOGGLE_LENGTH_TABLE_1 table according to the Depth(D) and thickness of the joggle.
For your reference , please refer the below shipped JOGGLE_LENGTH_TABLE_1,
To reflect the Joggle length value in joggle dialog, you have to select "Use Material Table" as shown below after applying a material in Sheetmetal preferences
Similarly, @LIGHTENING_CUTOUT_1 takes parameters from LIGHTENING_CUTOUT_1 table based on the standard you select in the lighting cutout dialog
Refer the below pictures