User need custom thread pitch in thread feature which can be editable as per their need
SolutionUser can create a Threaded Hole of custom dimeter and thread pitch by editing the xlsx files in '~:\Program Files\Siemens\Solid Edge 2023\Preferences\Holes' folder.
For example:
You are using 'ISO Metric.xlsx' for creating a Threaded Hole feature in my part where you need to create a custom simple threaded hole of diameter M23 x 0.85mm Pitch (which is a non standard hole parameters).
- In your 'ISO Metric.xlsx' in '~:\Program Files\Siemens\Solid Edge 2023\Preferences\Holes' folder; you should add an entry for it.
- Save and close the xlsx file
- Star a new part file and create block protrusion.
- In Solids > Holes command > Select Hole Options
- Select Threaded Hole type then select the custom hole of M23 x 0.85
- This is how you can create a non standard threaded hole with custom Pitch.
The thread Pitch can be edited in the xlsx file.