How to delete a local material




How to delete a local material in a part.

  • all n/a-n/a

Here are the instructions to delete a local material:

NOTE: This is done from the 'Manage Materials' dialog, and not the 'Manage Library Materials' dialog.

1. In the Menu, select 'Tools-->Materials-->Manage Materials'.

2. Set the Material List to 'Local Materials'.

NOTE: In order to delete a local material, it cannot be used in the file.
If the material has a green check mark next to it, it is being used and cannot be deleted.
Use the instructions below to make sure it is not in use.

3. Highlight the material that is not used (red circle), 'MB3-->Delete'.
4. Close the Manage Materials dialog.

How to make sure the material is not in use:

1. In the Menu, select 'Tools-->Materials-->Assign Materials'.
2. Assign new materials to all bodies using the material to be deleted.
The current assigned material will automatically become "unused" when a new material is applied to the body instead.
3. If you are unsure which body is using the material, you can highlight the material in the list, 'MB3-->Show Usages'. An information Window will appear with the body information for all bodies that use that material, and all bodies using that material should highlight.


KB Article ID# PL8749095



Associated Components