Parts list header cell styles are not carried over to cells in the component rows




The Parts List template displays desired styles on the header cells/row, such as text height and border line thickness, are the desired value. However when this Parts List template is used in an assembly drawing, the component rows are displaying different style than the header cells/row.

What is causing this? and how to fix it?


This can be due to Parts List template's header cells/row has style defined only to its own cell but not to the entire column.

Use following steps to fix this:

(1) Open the Parts List template file in Drafting application.

(2) Highlight each individual cell from the header row, the cell highlighted will have its entired column fixed to obtain the desired style.

(3) On the highlighted cell, perform Right Mouse Button -> Select -> Columns

(4) Once the entire column is highlighted, perform Right Mouse Button -> Settings...

(5) In the Settings dialog, examine the values of the styles required, make sure they are the correct value, as the values appear here may be be the same values when compare to the header cells. (The differences in value is the cause of issue)

(6) Repeat step(2)-(5) for each header cell.

(7) Save this modified Parts List template for future use; it will have correct result.

KB Article ID# PL8748357



Associated Components