How to find the product compatibility documentation for Teamcenter and NX




How to locate document on product compatibility for Teamcenter and NX?


1. From Support Center page ( ), log in with Webkey account, go into the NX product area by clicking the NX tile:

2. Once in the NX product area, click "Documentation" link

3. Hit drop down to choose the version of NX (example here uses NX2212 release)

4. Click on tile "Browse NX help by product area” tile

5. In the trail crumb at the top, it'll show this:

6. Click on "NX 2212 Series" to take one step back

7. Once the page refreshes, under the Types category on the left side, click on "Release Information"

8. Choose the document named “NX 2212 Release Notes”

9. Expand NX System Information and choose "Product Compatibility - supported release combinations"

KB Article ID# PL8748315



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