ug_clone fails if the password has % sign
SolutionDOS treats '%' for environment variable expansion and hence system interprets a wrong password string if it contains '%' in it.
Below work around can be used for ug_clone failure.
Use password encrypted file for password input while running the ug_clone utility from batch file.
In TC command prompt :
set mypass=<password_to_encrypt>
install -encryptpwf -e=mypass -f=<dir>\<encyrptedPasswordFilename>.pwf
In batch file use argument -pf instead of -p and give path of above created encrypted file as follows:
ug_clone.exe -pim=yes -u=<userID> -pf=<dir>\<encyrptedPasswordFilename>.pwf -o=export -asse=@DB/<FileToExport/Revision> -default_n=autotranslate -default_a=overwrite -default_dir=<dir>