How to update a license file on an existing FlexLM License Server




When upgrading to a new version of your Solid Edge software, you may be using Floating Licenses managed by a FlexLM Server.

In that case, the license file needs to be updated - but how can this be done without too much effort ?


The best way to upgrade your license file is to simply download the latest Siemens License Server, which is currently version, from the Siemens Support Center:

The software recognizes the existing License Server Software and offers the following options:

Since the software version is not changed, you only need to select the option "Add/Replace License File".

Since the software also knows the location of the license, the next step is to import the new license by browsing to it:

The tool will automatically stop the License Service and reconfigure it.

In the following step, should wish, you can move the license to a new port:


Since Solid Edge 2023 expects the port number for the License Server to be 28000, it makes sense - via Advanced Settings - to configure the desired port numbers to 28000 and 28001, which is recommended.

The next menu asks for a Webkey account for updating License files or applying Server patches. 

Currently this feature is not working for Floating licences, and therefore you are advised to select:

"I don't want that feature" and click on Next.

Now the new License file will be imported and copied to the predefined Directory:

"C:\ProgramData\Siemens\License Server\ActiveLicenses\ugslmd.lic"

Also, as an option, you can decide to allow the License Server access through the firewall, which is highly recommended:

After clicking on the Next Button, the Firewall rules will be created, then the License Service will be started and you are done.  The formerly active license has automatically been renamed to "Licensename.lic.bak" on the same location as the new license file.

On the last menu you see the location of the License Server installation and the used ports, and the information that the installation was successful.


If you have further inquiries about floating Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:

Solid Edge Floating License FAQs Collection

KB Article ID# PL8739657



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