Loading a part in Linux with NX2206 Batch using UF_PART_open_part or NXOpen::PartCollection::OpenDisplay may fail by missing shared libraries with an error message "Requested library could not be loaded".
The syslog then states something like this:
Failed to load /install/apps/NX/lin64/2206/nxbin/libsvm.so
*** EXCEPTION: Error code 3600001 in line 2055 of /plm/cynas/ipbuild/nx2206/ip1700/src/syss/no/ind/lmldr.c at Mon Aug 14 13:30:52 2023 CDT
+++ Cannot load image /install/apps/NX/lin64/2206/nxbin/libsvm.so
libLwCommon.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Those libraries are required and loaded if Visual Materials had been assigned to any part body.
SolutionThis error was already fixed for NX2212 Batch on Linux and fortunately the shared libraries are equal and thus backward compatible.
So the workaround is to copy over these 4 libraries from NX2212/nxbin to NX2206/nxbin folder:
-rwxr-xr-x. 920080 4. Nov 2022 libLwSvm.so.1.2.4
-rwxr-xr-x. 920080 4. Nov 2022 libLwSvm.so.1
-rwxr-xr-x. 999944 4. Nov 2022 libLwCommon.so.1.2.4
-rwxr-xr-x. 999944 4. Nov 2022 libLwCommon.so.1