How to add a post to the default list that appears in the post process dialog




How to add a post to the default list that appears in the post process dialog.


Edit the ...\mach\resource\postprocessor\template_post.dat file.  If you are not sure of where this files lives in your environment, check the NX session log file for the value of the UGII_CAM_POST_CONFIG_FILE environment variable, i.e.

UGII_CAM_POST_CONFIG_FILE        C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX2212\mach\resource\postprocessor\template_post.dat

Copy/paste one of the existing lines and then edit that new line to reflect the new post information.  Each line has three fields separated by commas:  the display name for the dialog, the pointer to the .tcl file, and the pointer to the .def file.  For example:



Note that the standard file syntax uses the UGII_CAM_POST_DIR environment variable to point to the relative path of the current installation's 'postprocessor' folder.  You can also remove post processors from the default list by either removing or commenting out (using a # sign) the lines for the items you do not want to see.    

KB Article ID# PL8737523



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