An edge shortened by a Chamfer feature cannot be dimensioned as expected




In this example, the user has two differently designed chamfers in their Solid Edge part.

One of the "chamfers" is created with the help of a Cutout feature.

chamfer via Cutout feature

The other one is created with the help of a Chamfer feature.

chamfer via Chamfer feature

The user now wants to dimension the left vertical edge of the yellow face - the edge that is shortened by the "chamfer", in both cases.

This succeeds in case of the Cutout feature by simply selecting the edge ...

Cutout feature > edge selection > resulting dimension

... however, it cannot be dimensioned as expected in case of the Chamfer feature.

Chamfer feature > edge selection > resulting dimension

How can this shortened edge be dimensioned as intended?


The dimension can be easily created with the following steps.

Select the 'Smart Dimension' command and directly press the " i " (intersection) key.

'Smart Dimension' command and then press " i "

Move the mouse cursor to the shortened edge and notice that it is now highlighted as expected.

the shortened edge is now highlighted as expected

Select the edge, place the dimension and notice that the result is now as expected.

the resulting dimension is now as expected


The attached zip file contains a part document for testing purposes. (60.5 KB)

KB Article ID# PL8737394



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