Solid Edge How to make the Composite Symbols in Solid Edge Electrical?




How to make the Composite Symbols in Solid Edge Electrical?


Once a symbol library exists, you can populate it with symbols for use in diagrams in the design applications. You can configure symbols with various parameters such as type, scale and grid size and use different tools to create the symbol graphics.


> Before you may create a new symbol, you must:

- Open an existing symbol library (see “Opening an Existing Library”)


- Create a new symbol library (see “Creating a New Library”)

into which the new symbol will be saved.


- Once the appropriate symbol library is open in the Symbol Browser Tree, right-click on the folder under which you want to create the symbol and select the New Symbol menu option. (I selected 'Relays folder to create New Symbol)

- The New Symbol facility is displayed. You must specify the following for the new symbol:

1. Symbol Name - the name of the symbol.

Note: Symbol names may be of any character length and any combination of numbers, letters and special characters. If you are creating a splice symbol, you can add more than one pin to the symbol.

2. Symbol Type - whether the symbol is for a device, a ground device, backshell, a comment or a splice. See “Overview of Ground Devices” for more information about ground devices.

3. Comment Type - either Generic, Channel, Mount or Other.

A generic comment symbol is a symbol that can be associated with a particular object when it is added to a diagram. If the associated object is moved, the comment symbol moves to maintain its orientation to the object. Generic comment symbols can be used to add a build note to a diagram.

You cannot add a pin to a generic comment symbol but if you add a name text marker, the name of an associated object is displayed with the symbol in a diagram. See “Create Name Text Tool” for more information about adding a name text marker.

Comment symbols of type Channel, Mount or Other can be used to define symbols for mechanical components.

4. Non-resizable: Specifies whether the symbol can (unselected) or cannot (selected) be resized when placed in a diagram. Mandatory, displayed only when Comment is selected as the Symbol Type.

5. Use Physical Scale: Specifies whether you want to use a physical scale as specified by Grid Size for a device or comment symbol. If not selected, a device or comment symbol will be drawn based on pin grid points. Displayed only when Device or Comment is selected as the Symbol Type.

Note: For device symbols, physical scale is only relevant for symbols that are to be used in layout designs. Device symbols that do not have Use Physical Scale selected cannot be placed on a layout diagram.

For Comment symbols with Comment Type set to Channel, Mount or Generic, it is recommended that Use Physical Scale is selected. (The recommended grid size for layout diagrams, and for symbols that are to be added to layout diagrams, is 1mm.) If Use Physical Scale is not selected, the dimensions of the Comment symbol are interpreted as having been specified in the grid spacing unit of the layout diagram onto which the symbol is placed. For example, a symbol with no physical scale and dimensions 60 x 40 will be drawn as 60mm x 40mm when placed on a diagram that has grid spacing specified in millimeters.

6. Grid Size: Specifies the physical distance between the visible grid points. A comment symbol uses this physical scale and retains its physical size when placed in a diagram regardless of the diagram’s pin grid settings. Displayed only when editing a comment symbol, unavailable if Use Physical Scale is not selected.

Note: The co-ordinates displayed at the bottom right of the Solid Edge Wiring and Harness Design Symbol application use the units specified for Grid

- Click OK to create the new symbol's (blank) diagram window.

The new symbol's name will appear listed under its library folder in the Symbol Browser Tree.

The new symbol's name, and the name of the library in which it is contained, is displayed in the diagram window's title bar - this helps to distinguish between diagram windows when viewing multiple symbol diagrams in the Symbol Editor.

For example: If an Solid Edge Harness Design diagram has a pin spacing of 4mm and you want the text on a symbol to be displayed with a height of 6mm, you must specify a text height of 1.5 pin grids in Solid Edge Wiring and Harness Design Symbol.

I created a graphics composite symbol using 2 Nos. Relay Coil and 1 No.

- Save composite symbol

- Open 'Solid Edge Electrical Parts > Actions >Refresh Symbol Libraries

- Start New Solid Edge Wiring Design > Symbols > Search for newly create Composite Symbol > Double Click on the symbol

It will show 'Add Symbol' dialogue box to select either block or complete composite symbol in your wiring design.

For detail information, please refer Solid Edge Symbol help for \Creating a New Symbol and Creating a Composite Symbol.

Please refer attached video demonstrates detail steps to create Composite Symbol.

Note: Composite symbol demonstrated in below image is only for demonstration purpose and may not meet valid circuit conditions.

Hope, this may help.



KB Article ID# PL8735842



Associated Components