When creating a Ray Traced Studio (RTS) Image the colours are changed to Pink or Magenta and the image does not match the NX display.
For Example:
This issue has been fixed by PR 10772266 in NX 2306.4000 - August 2023 Monthly Update.
In earlier versions of the NX2306 series the issue can be corrected by copying the file dbgHelp.dll from C:\Windows\System32 to the NXBIN folder in the NX installation. For example, C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX2306\NXBIN
Please note, this .DLL file can only be copied from the same machine, it is non-distributable so cannot be copied to or from other machines. Always create a backup of the original dbgHelp.dll in the NXBIN folder in case this needs to be reinstated.