Repairing Parts and Assemblies in NX - Part 3




Condition of Bodies in Single Part or Assembly


While Examine Geometry does not correct body or part file problems, it should be used to identify if a solid or sheet (surface) body within a single part or assembly has a corruption, fails design tolerances on the surfaces and edges, etc.

This should be done upon receiving a file or assembly from another location using NX or any translation that is used to migrate bodies, as it only inspects bodies.

The eleven options in Examine Geometry can be read about within the NX documentation in all released versions.

Select 'Analysis (tab) -> More (right most button in Measure group) -> Examine Geometry (under Body)'  (see image below).

Prior to running Examine Geometry, it is recommended to set the display to Static Wireframe. This allows all foreground and background edges and faces to be seen for review after running Examine Geometry.

To select a single or multiple bodies within a file or assembly you must not single select, but use the Select All option, a rectangle, lasso, etc. Using single select will require a use to singularly select each individual body, and each face and edge on each body that needs to be inspected.  

After all bodies are selected and the Examine Geometry button is pressed, to determine if newly created, edited, or translated body or bodies are valid, review the dialog and look for Highlight Results on the right side of each option (see image below).

The four options that must always pass to have a valid body is Data Structures, Consistency, Face Intersections and Self-Intersection. A fifth option that may be a failure or it may be a minor surface imperfection which is valid is Spikes/Cuts

After running Examine Geometry, select any box next to Highlight Results to see what faces and edges were identified based on the eleven inspection options. (see above image).

Examine Geometry does not fix or correct problems, but it does identify problems that users cannot visually recognize.

Suggest using Examine Geometry prior to releasing single parts and assemblies to ensure all bodies are valid.


All eleven Examine Geometry functions are available and ready for use in the Check-Mate in depth inspection function within NX.

KB Article ID# PL8734734



Associated Components