EXCEPTION: O/S ERROR: signal 11 while trying to apply a Transport Surface on MCD.
Logfile excerpt:
*** EXCEPTION: O/S ERROR: signal 11 in line 2889 of o:\nx2306\ip1700\src\syss\error\ind\error.cxx at
+++ General Fault Exception
+++ Invalid read from 0000000000000000
Make sure the NX or MCD session is closed.
Delete the content of the application user folder similar to:
C:\Users\<os-user-name>\AppData\Local\Siemens\Mechatronics Concept Designer2306
Tip for Quick entry: Type in a Windows file explorer address: %localappdata%\siemens
Remark: Do NOT delete the folder itself, but only remove the content, otherwise the user folder of an older version will be copied and used.Start NX or MCD again.