User expressions are created in sheet metal settings




The expressions that should have been created as a global expression by Sheet Metal setting is automatically created as the user expressions. As the result, is listed in the user expression field.

Reproduced Steps:

1. Model tab in File New > select Sheet Metal template > OK

2. File > Preferences > Sheet Metal > OK( with keep the default)

3. Confirm the created expressions in Part Navigator( Automatically the user expressions will be created.)


The behavior is due to NX problem, has been fixed in NX 2206 Series so that the global expressions are not generated as the user expressions.


The behavior occurs in NX 1980 and NX 2007 Series.

The system does not refer to the user expression on the part navigator but refers to the set values stored internally, so there is no effect even if the values are changed by mistake from the part navigator.

***Please refer to PL8732979 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V1980
  • NX - DESIGN V1980
  • Windows x64 10

KB Article ID# PL8732981



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