How to Update an Unparameterized Body with the Wave Geometry Linker.
SolutionSee the above video showing how to convert an unparameterized body to a Wave link, and using the Wave Geometry Linker to update to a new solid body.
How to Update an Unparameterized Body with the Wave Geometry Linker
1. Open two windows, one containing an unparameterized body and the other containing an imported step file.
2. Select the window with the unparameterized body.
3. In the Part Navigator, right click on the unparameterized body and choose Convert to Linked Body.
4. Choose the Assemblies tab -> Base group -> Add Component.
5. In the Add Component dialog, under the Loaded Parts group, select the imported step file.
6. Click OK.
7. In the Part Navigator, right click on the Linked Body and select Edit Parameters.
8. In the WAVE Geometry Linker dialog, select the part that will be the update version.
9. Under the Mapping group, click Replacement Assistant.
- Note: This creates a side-by-side view of both parts.
10. In the Replacement Assistant dialog, under the Automatic Matching group, select Find Geometric Matches.
11. Under the Match Specific Objects group, verify that Emphasize Unmatched Objects is checked.
- Note: All the matched objects will appear in black.
12. Select a single feature that needs to be matched in the left window, then select the corresponding feature in right window.
13. In the Replacement Assistant dialog, under the matched Objects group, click Add New Match.
14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 for all remaining unmatched features.
15. Click OK.
16. Click OK.
17. The original file has now been updated.
- Note: To reveal the original file, in the Resource Bar, select the Assembly Navigator and then hide the imported model.