In this example, for some reason that cannot be determined, the customer has a Draft where the hole numbers in the Hole Table do not correspond with the hole annotations.
SolutionThere is a way to update the Hole Table so that hole numbers persist and the table updates to reflect the corresponding numbers. Before beginning this process, it is always best to ensure that there is a backup of the draft.
In the Hole Table properties, on the 'Options' tab:
1. Select 'Do not renumber holes on update'
2. Switch between the options 'List holes by origin' and 'List holes by size'.
Meaning which ever option is active select the other.
3. Click 'Apply'
4. Switch back to the option you had earlier ('List holes by origin', 'List holes by size')
5. Click 'Apply'
This allows you to keep the hole numbers and update the Hole Table accordingly.
NotesDuring the investigation of this test case, it was not possible to reproduce this issue of non-corresponding hole numbers in a draft using Solid Edge 2023. Therefore, the conclusion is that the underlying issue has already been solved.