How and when to use "convert and insert resource CAD files" function ?




In product documentation, this feature can be used while selected the target "resource" object :

But, when selected the resource object, the "Convert and Insert Resource CAD Files" command does NOT become active.

(Same when set as Modeling Scope)


Background of the functionality:

This command was introduced to allow import resource design to PS, but using the similar method to the method used in eMServer. This is because in some customer's cases design is still not being managed in Teamcenter. So PS provide convenient way to consume it as they need. Hence, they mostly needed it in connected mode.

It will be extremely useful in disconnected mode for a quicker exchange between the designer and the simulation engineer, for quick evaluation and so on.

Working :
1) “In the Object Tree, pick a resource under which to import the CAD resource.” – The important word here is "under".
The command imports a new resource, and the selected object is its direct parent.
a. If the object selected cannot have children the command will not activate. By child I mean a resource, not a 3D component. So, a leaf resource is not a valid selection, in modelling or not.
b. If the object can have children but not form the type chosen the command will activate but the import will fail.

2) As written in the documentation the command always creates a new object, the difference between the two import options:
a. ‘Always create new object’ creates a new revision each time.
b. ‘Update object from same file path’ updates the 3D file of the existing revision and creates a new occurrence.

Let’s say that you want to import file C:\Folder\tmx1.jt

Scenario 1:

1. Import C:\Folder\tmx1.jt with option ‘Always create new object’ – a resource called tmx1 is created

2. You do some modification of tmx1.jt (let’s say there was a mistake in the original gun design)

3. Import again C:\Folder\tmx1.jt with any option – a new resource called tmx1 is created. The 3D representation of the two resources is different, the new one has the changes done in step 2 and the first one does not. (Only the new gun has the correct design)

Scenario 2:

1. Import C:\Folder\tmx1.jt with option ‘Update object from same file path’ - a resource called tmx1 is created

2. You do some modification of tmx1.jt (let’s say there was a mistake in the original gun design)

3. Import again C:\Folder\tmx1.jt with option ‘Update object from same file path’ - a new resource called tmx1 is created AND the 3D of the first resource is updated with the changes done is step 2. The 3D representation of the two resources is the same. (Both guns have the correct design)

Note: if you import file C:\Folder\tmx2.jt it is counted as new file and the path being the same does not matter

This is only one simple example for scenario 2, other options:

- In step 2 modify the 3D of the resource in PS instead of modifying the jt. This is the easiest way to visualize how the command works, but I am not sure how applicable is to a real live scenario

- Step 1 and step 3 are performed in two different studies (you have two gun occurrences in two different stations), in this case you need to add Update TC and the result will be the same

KB Article ID# PL8731078



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