How to use Metaform to Create a Flattened Outline of a Complex Part




How to use Metaform to create a flattened outline of a complex part.


 See the above video showing the procedure for using Metaform to create a flat outline of a complex part.

How to use Metaform to Create a Flattened Outline of a Complex Part

Preparing to Use the Metaform Command

1.       If not already in the Sheet Metal application, choose the Application tab -> Designer group -> Sheet Metal.

2.       Choose the Home tab -> Construction group -> Datum Plane.

3.       Select the XY-plane and change the Offset to the desired value below the complex part.

4.       Click OK.

5.       Choose the Home tab -> Construction group -> Sketch.

6.       Select the datum plane.

7.       Click OK.

8.       In the Home tab, in the Curve group, select Line.

9.       Create a line along the Y-Axis.

10.   Click Finish.

11.   Right click on the created line and select Extrude.

12.   Extrude the line as desired, creating a sheet body.

13.   Click OK.

Using the Metaform Command

14.   In the Top Border Bar, select Menu -> Import -> Advanced Sheet Metal -> Metaform.

15.   Click Reset.

16.   Under the Start Region group, choose Select Face and select the outside face of the complex part.

17.   Under the End Region group, choose Select Face and select the sheet body.

18.   Under the Transform Geometry group, choose Select Objects.

19.   In the Top Border Bar, change the Selection Filter to Face.

20.   Select only the outside faces.

21.   Under the Boundary Conditions group, choose Select Start Region Point.

22.   Change the point to Point on Face and select the bottom of the complex part.

23.   Choose Select End Region Point and change the point to Point on Face.

24.   Select the sheet body.

25.   Click OK.

26.   In the background of the display, right click and select refresh.

27.   In the Part Navigator, hide the Sketch, Datum Plane, and Extrude to reveal the flattened complex part outline.


 This video shows Advanced Sheetmetal options and will require an additional license.

 For more information on the Metaform dialog box see the documentation.

KB Article ID# PL8721245



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