How to Use the New Minimum Distance to Arc Extension
SolutionNew in NX2306 is the function to find the minimum distance to an extended arc. See the video above for the procedure.
How to Use the New Minimum Distance to Arc Extension
1. Open a part file with an arc and a point.
2. Choose the Analysis tab -> Measure group -> Measure.
3. In the Measure dialog, under the Settings group, select Preferences.
4. In the Measurements group, ensure Minimum Perpendicular to Arc Extension and Minimum Distance to Arc Extension is selected.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Measure dialog, ensure Object Set is selected.
7. If not already checked, in the Settings group, select Create Geometry.
8. Select the arc.
9. In the List group, change the Set.
10. Select the point.
11. In the pop-up window on the Display, change Minimum Distance to Minimum Distance to Arc Extension.
12. Click OK.
13. The measurement will appear in the window.