What controls the 'Save As New Item Type' list?




A custom Item Type is missing from the 'Save As New Item Type' list.

  • na windows-1064
Release Versions
  • NX V2027

Some things to check:

1. Check the Teamcenter preference: TC_part_types_display_filter

-->If this preference is set, make sure the actual name (not display name) of the item type is listed in this preference.

2. Confirm the group and role being used in NX. This can be done in NX by selecting 'File-->Preferences-->Teamcenter Integration'. Select the 'Database' tab. Item types available to that group/role will be the only ones available for selection.

3. If you are using MFK, also set the following Teamcenter preference: TC_NX_Supports_MFK=yes

--> This preference allows item types that use MFK that are not in the default domain to also be supported and seen by NX.

4. Do the missing item types have required attributes (with no initial value), and also not mapped to NX?

-->Then those ItemTypes will not be available during the 'Save As New Item Type' operation since the attributes are not mapped to NX, so NX can populate the required attribute values.


KB Article ID# PL8721240



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