How to Create a Feature Template




How to Create a Feature Template.


 See the above video showing  how to create a feature template.

How to Create a Feature Template

1.       Open the Part File.

2.       In the Resource Bar, choose Reuse Library.

3.       Select Library Management.

4.       In the Reuse Library Management dialog, ensure Applications is set to Modeling.

5.       Locate and select Feature Template.

6.       Click Add Library.

7.       Navigate to the folder the Feature Templates will be saved into.

8.       Click OK.

-          Note: The folder should now be visible under the feature template.

9.       Click OK.

10.   In the Top Border Bar, select Menu -> Tools -> Parts and Features -> Feature Template -> Author.

11.   In the Resource Bar, choose Reuse Library.

-          Note: The folder previously added should be visible under the Folder View group.

12.   In the Home tab, locate the Content group and choose Select Feature.

13.   Select the feature that will be used for the template.

-          Note: PMI can also be included by checking the Add Dependent PMI option.

14.   Click OK.

15.   In the Resource Bar, select Template Studio Navigator.

-          Note: All the expressions and all the PMI (if Add Dependent PMI is checked) will be visible.

16.   In the Home tab, locate the Define group and choose Configure User Interface. This will allow for the customization of the Feature Template UI.

-          Note: Changes can be made to the titles of the collapsable groups and a variety of other options in the UI. A preview of the UI will be displayed alongside the Configure dialog box.

17.   Click Close.

18.   Click Finish.

19.   The Feature Template will now be accessible through the Reuse Library.

KB Article ID# PL8721170



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