How to use the utility tcin_template_setup.bat using -s option?
SolutionThe “-s” this option will be used to skip importing templates from the specified directory under the NX install folder.
e.g. You can specify the “simulation” in the file, and provide its path to the “-s=” switch, then the simulation templates will get skipped.
If you want to only install the specific Templates and skip the other templates like Drafting and Modelling, then create a text file like 'drafting1.txt' and add the Title of all the folders where Template files reside. Like, Drafting, UGII, MACH, Routing, etc., and use the below syntax while import
tcin_template_setup.bat -u=infodba -p=infodba -s=C:\1451\drafting1.txt
See the below snap-