How to Project a Curve onto a Curved Surface and Maintain Arc Length




How to Project a curve onto a curved surface and maintain arc length.


 See the above video showing the dialog setting when projecting a curve onto a curved surface and maintaining the original arc length.

Projecting Curve While Maintaining Arc Length

Projecting the Curve

1.       Open the Model.

2.       Choose the Curve tab -> Advanced group -> Project Curve.

3.       In the Project Curve dialog, click Reset.

4.       Select the curves to be projected.

5.       In the Projection Direction group, select Specify Vector.

6.       Choose the vector that point toward the object the curve will be projected on.

7.       Change Projection Options to Equal Arc Length.

8.       Specify an XY Origin on the curve.

9.       Select the X direction.

10.   In the Scene Toolbar, change the selection intent to single face.

11.   In the Objects to Project to group, ensure that Select Object is selected.

12.   Select the surface to be projected onto.

13.   Click OK.

Verifying Arc Length Preservation

1.       Choose the Analysis tab -> Measure group -> Measure.

2.       Select the curves that were used for the projection.

3.       Recall the Length that is listed in the pop-up box.

4.       Click Cancel.

5.       Choose the Analysis tab -> Measure group -> Measure.

6.       Select the projected curves.

7.       Review the Length that is listed in the pop-up box. The values will match.

8.       Click Cancel.

KB Article ID# PL8720896



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