How to select the predicted objects when highlighted in the graphics area




How to select the predicted objects when highlighted in the graphics area.


Please see NX video along with detailed steps below.

This example uses the Chamfer command to apply the feature to numerous holes at one time.  Please note that Select Predicted Objects is not supported will all NX feature commands at this time.

1.  With the feature command launched (Chamfer in this example), navigate to the Curve Rule menu located at the top center of the NX graphics area, and click on the small black drop-down arrow for Selection Scene Bar Options (if you place your cursor over the arrow, Scene Bar Options will display).

2.  Place your cursor over Selection Group, and a sub-menu will appear.  You need to verify that a check mark is next to Select Predicted Objects.  If there isn't a check mark next to it, click on this option to enable it.  You can click in the graphics area to close these menus.

3.  Select the geometry to satisfy the command.  An edge(s) will be selected for the Chamfer command, and NX will highlight the other predicted objects on the part.

4.  To confirm the Select Predicted Objects, go back to the Curve Rule menu and you will see a center mark with a lightning bolt icon for Select Predicted Objects.  Click this icon to confirm the selection by NX.  If the icon is greyed out, check the Selection Prediction Options icon to the right to make sure the option is turned on (blue checkbox).  You can also adjust the sensitivity of the selection here using the slider bar.   


KB Article ID# PL8720895



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