In the video we will cover the installation procedure, as well as the usage of the recorder.
SolutionAs an example, we will use the
recorder to record a signal exchange between Process Simulate and to run a
playback of the recorded PLC.
NotesHere you can find the code forthe PLC_Recorder.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration ID="newassemblertc" Name="newassemblertc">
<Assembly File="DotNetCommands\DnProcessSimulateCommands.dll">
<DotNetCommand Namespace="DnProcessSimulateCommands.PLCRecorderModes" ClassName="CUIPlcRecorderModesCmd" />
<Configuration ID="newassembler" Name="newassembler">
<Assembly File="DotNetCommands\DnProcessSimulateCommands.dll">
<DotNetCommand Namespace="DnProcessSimulateCommands.PLCRecorderModes" ClassName="CUIPlcRecorderModesCmd" />