How to Insert a Perimeter Expression into a PMI Note




How to Insert a Perimeter Expression into a PMI Note.


 See the above video showing how to insert the perimeter expression in to an associative PMI Note. If the perimeter expression is updated the PMI note will update.

How to Insert a Perimeter Expression into a PMI Note

1.       Open the desired sketch.

2.       In the Top Border Bar, right click in the empty space and select Customize.

3.       In the Customize dialog, type ‘Perimeter Dimension’.

4.       Click and drag the Perimeter Dimension command into the desired location in the Top Border Bar.

5.       Click Close.

6.       Select the newly added Perimeter Dimension command.

7.       Select all desired edges of the sketch.

8.       Click OK.

-          Note: No perimeter dimension will be visible in the Display window.

9.       Click Finish Sketch.

10.   Choose the Tools tab -> Utilities group -> Expressions.

11.   In the Expressions dialog, the perimeter expression can be found in the table.

12.   Click Close.

13.   Choose the PMI tab -> Annotation group -> Note.

14.   Choose the terminating location for the Note.

15.   In the Note dialog, under the Text Input group, enter the desired text.

16.   Place the cursor at the desired location of the expression.

17.   Choose the General tab -> Insert group -> Expressions.

18.   In the Expression dialog, select the perimeter expression.

19.   Click OK.

20.   Click to place the Note.

Click Close.

KB Article ID# PL8720777



Associated Components