How to find the Area of an Assembly Projected to a Plane




How to find the area of an Assembly Projected to a Plane.


 See the above video showing how to find the area of an assembly projected to a plane.

How to Find the Area of an Assembly Projected to a Plane

1.       Open the Assembly.

2.       In the Top Border Bar, select Menu -> Insert -> Derived Curve -> Project.

3.       In the Top Border Bar, ensure the Selection Scope is set to Entire Assembly.

4.       Select the entire model.

5.       In the Project Curve dialog, under the Objects to Project To group, choose Specify Plane.

6.       Select the desired Datum Plane.

7.       With Specify Vector selected, choose the desired direction for the imaged to be projected.

8.       Click OK.

9.       In the Top Border Bar, choose Menu -> Import -> Associative Copy -> Extract Geometry.

10.   In the Extract Geometry dialog, choose Composite Curve.

11.   Select all lines on the project image that make up the outline of the assembly.

-          Note: Use the options in the Scene Toolbar, such as Stop at Intersection, to efficiently select all desired curves.

12.   Click OK.

13.   In the Part Navigator, right click on Projected Curve and select Hide.

14.   In the Top Border Bar, choose Menu -> Analysis -> Selection Inertia.

15.   In the Section Inertia Analysis dialog, make sure Existing Section is selected.

16.   In the Settings group, change the Section Type to Solid.

17.   In the Part Navigator, select the Composite Curve.

18.   Click OK.

19.   The Section #, Type, and Section Area will appear in the center of the Composite Curve.

KB Article ID# PL8720625



Associated Components