We have a NX assembly which in general is built upon millimeter unit, but there are some components that have got the unit inch. Would now like to get away from a mixed units assembly and consolidate everything to millimeter part files.- How to run ug_convert_part utility in NX manager mode, i.e. in Teamcenter environment?
ug_convert_part does not support a Teamcenter managed environment.
Instead use the part_utility and its Teamcenter Integration for NX option -convert_units_to_mm, (there is also a -convert_units_to_in option for going in the opposite direction).
Example running from a command prompt with necessary TC and NX variables set:
Convert units to millimeters in a folder of parts:
part_utility -managed_mode=yes -u=<user name> -p=<password> -f=<folder name in Teamcenter> -convert_units_to_mm
Ref NX 2212 documentation, (Teamcenter Integration for NX -> Utilities -> part_utility):