Reformat XML preference files to be human readable




When Solid Edge saves user modifications made in the UI such as custom hole settings to the preferences files in an XML format, the XML strings are parsed through and saved as a single continuous string. 

This is by design in order to be performant as Solid Edge does not need human readable formatted XML files in order to use the XML files.  However, for the human user the formatting of these XML strings makes it difficult  to read and tweak the custom preferences XML files.  

Solid Edge custom.xml preference file with XML string formatted as single line 


Even though this formatting does not impact Solid Edge usage, if it is important to the user to be able to easily read the file content, then simply use any text editing software that allows reformatting of XML content. One such application is Notepad++. Here are the steps to use NotePad++ to reformat an XML file.

1. Open NotePad++

2. Select Plugins > Plugins Admin...

3. Under the Available tab in the Search field type XML

4. In the list of Plugins scroll down or use the Next button to locate the XML Tools plugin, select it, and press Install

5. In the confirmation dialog Select Yes to complete the install

6. Once the installation is completed open the Solid Edge preferences file e.g. custom.xml file in Notepad++

7. Select Plugins > XML Tools > Pretty Print

8. The file is reformatted into a human readable format

9. Save the file.

The next time the user uses the Solid Edge UI to modify and save a custom preference or setting, the formatting will once again revert to a single line because Solid Edge does not spend processing time writing out a human readable XML string and only generates as single line of text. Therefore, the user would need to repeat this reformatting workflow anytime they want to human read the modified files.


NotePad++ is free download available from

KB Article ID# PL8718398



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