Center of mass symbol is not displayed in correct position




There is Center of Mass symbol created by Measure command. After saving the part with the Measure feature "Hide" in the part navigator, when opening it again and making it "Show", the symbol is not displayed in the correct position.

Reproduced Steps:

1. Create a solid such as a cylinder

2. Create a Center of Mass symbol by Analysis > Measure

3. Hide the measure feature and save the part

4. After re-opening the part, Show the measure feature


This behavior is due to NX problem. It occurs in NX 1980 – NX 2306, but is fixed in NX 2312 Series.

Workaround : Perform one of the following

1. Suppress > Unsuppressed

2. Double-click the measure feature in Part Navigator > OK


This only happens if the part is saved with the measure feature "Hide" state.

In addition, it is only a problem of the display position of the symbol, and the appeared numerical value (center of gravity) in the graphics window is displayed correctly.

***Please refer to PL8714962 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V2007
  • NX - DESIGN V2007

    KB Article ID# PL8714963



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