The modified list in the "What's Changed Reports" does not match the list in the modified section in the Spreadsheet.
SolutionIn Siemens Digital Industries Software Doc Center, you can access the What's Changed in NX Configuration and NXOpen reports that has the option to compare the NX configuration changes between NX versions for the Customer Defaults, Environment Variables, File New Templates, Menu Buttons and NX Open API
The What’s Changed Reports for Customer Defaults and Environment Variables has a Modified tab to list what has been modified.
In the What’s Changed Reports, there is also an option for “Download Report” (circled in RED) that will download a “CSV” file so that the list can be opened in an Excel Spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet will have 3 sections for the New, Removed and Modified settings.
******* * * NEW CUSTOMER DEFAULTS * * ********
******* * * REMOVED CUSTOMER DEFAULTS * * ********
******* * * MODIFIED CUSTOMER DEFAULTS * * ********
******* * * NEW DRAFTING STANDARDS * * ********
******* * * NEW DRAFTING STANDARDS * * ********
******* * * MODIFIED DRAFTING STANDARDS * * ********
******* * * NEW ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES * * ********
******* * * DELETED ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES * * ********
If you compare the Modified list from the Spreadsheet to the Modified list in the What’s Changed Reports window, the lists should match.
IF the lists do not match, make sure the option for “Significant Change” is toggled OFF in the What’s Changed Reports window (circled in RED).
NX --> Documentation --> NX 2212 Series --> Updating the NX installation --> What's changed in NX Configuration and NXOpen reports