How to define NX reusable object within Reuse Library for TC environment?




While running NX in Teamcenter integrated mode, how to set up conditions to successfully execute the Define Reusable Object for Reuse Library?


step 1: Setup Customer Defaults > Reuse Library by going into Gateway > Reuse Library > General tab, scroll down to the "Teamcenter Integration" area, in the field for "Libraries Organized by Teamcenter Folder", Insert the desired library name that would show in the Reuse Library interface in NX.

Example here in the Reuse Library palette, it's called "ReuseObjectPLM", then follow by the syntax of pipe symbol and owner ID of the Teamcenter folder plus that folder name.

step 2: Create a new part in NX, this new part will become the Reusable Object stored in Reuse Library.

During File New creation, notice the current folder this part is created, this is the name of the folder defined from Reuse Library Customer Defaults from step (1)

step 3: Build the geometry in this part.

step 4: Activate the Reuse Library tab on the resource bar side. Right Mouse Button over the name of library defined in step (1) previously, choose "Define Reusable Object" option

step 5: In the Reusable Object dialog, define the type of object (either Part, Body, Feature, etc.) OK the dialog.

step 6: An Information window will pop up stating the part needs to be saved via File > Save, in order to make it a reusable object.

OK that Information window

step 7: Perform File->Save

Now look in the Member Select window for that library, notice the reusable object is there.

Note: If Reusable Object is not display in the Member Select window within Reuse Library, confirm the Teamcenter folder that the Reusable Object Item is created under. If it is not under the folder that was defined by Customer Defaults in step 1, then copy and paste that Item to that defined folder.

KB Article ID# PL8707587



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