In a Teamcenter integrated NX environment, how to display MBD Query logical rules
SolutionTo display the MBD Logical rules in Teamcenter integrated NX, you need to import them in Teamcenter database.
First you need to set the desired Teamcenter location in the customer defaults as below.
So make sure to create the above folder in Teamcenter.
Now you need to import the logical rules in this folder.
You can import OOTB logical rules from the below location.
<NX Installation Location>\MBD
You can import these rules using the below offline utility.
<NX Installation>\RULE\nxmanager\tcin_logicalrule_setup.bat
You can also import the logical rules using NX UI dialog, using "Import Assembly into Teamcenter".
While importing please make sure that you are only selecting rules. (By setting "All Files")
Now if you select "More" option, this will display the above imported logical rules.