There may be some missing tool attributes for use in FBM (Feature Based Machining) Configurator when creating Machining Rules.
In this example, the required attribute is Tool Length and it needs to be available for a Twist Drill.
In the FBM Configurator when typing tool. will display the currently available attributes which can be accessed. As seen here the Tool Length is not accessible.
In order to access Tool Length in this attribute list, changes are required to the dbc_tool_ascii.def file which is located in MACH/resource/library/tool. Ensure NX is closed when performing these steps as it helps with the updating of the files.
Once the file is opened, find the Class of the tool requiring access to the attribute. In this example, TWIST_DRILL is found.
Modify the RSET line by adding ToolLength to the end of the line and then save the file.
Start NX and open a manufacturing part. In this example smpl_sim08_5ax_sinumerik_mm.prt is used.
Open FBM Configurator and immediately Update the File. Icon found in Actions group.
Once updated close and reopen the FBM Configurator dialog. Once reopened select the Machining Rule to be modified and notice that the Tool Length attribute is now available in the list.
Other attributes will be available but if an attempt to find an attribute that doesn't exist, a parse error will occur. In this case, review the attribute attempting to be accessed and ensure it is correct for the specified tool type.