Opening an assembly STEP, not coming in as solid.




When opening an assembly, STEP file it is not coming in as a solid.

  • na windows-1032
Release Versions
  • Solid Edge V220.0

When importing a STEP, even though it's an assembly, by default we are importing the parts as a single part file that contains multiple bodies. To change this behavior do the following...

- Browse to C:\Program Files\Siemens\Solid Edge 20XX\Preferences\Translators folder


- Look for the entry Import Multiple Bodies As Single Part file and change it to Off:

After saving the INI file, restart Solid Edge, select the STEP file and pick an ASSEMBLY template.

This will create a new assembly with all the components as individual parts.

If you want an assembly without the individual part files, you can create an assembly where the parts are internal. To do this, when you select the STEP file, before opening, select [Options...]

Enable the option Create Internal Components and open the STEP. Be sure to select an ASSEMBLY template. Once the assembly opens you will see the parts, but no external files will be created.

Whatever method you chose depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to modify and edit the assembly and components then use the first method provided.

If you want to use it as a reference then the second method might work better.


KB Article ID# PL8701679



Associated Components