shape studio - creating a decal in NX3




How do you apply a Decal in NX2 and higher since the Materials/Dialog no longer appears?

  • INTEL windows-XP32_SP1
Release Versions
  • NX V3.0.1

In NX3, open the Materials in Part palette. MB3 and select New Entry --> Visualization Material. Select the new material icon and MB3 --> Edit. Select the Pattern tab and in the dropdown, select Simple Decal. Set a transparent color and then select the TIFF button. Select the decal image and OK. OK the Materials dialog and in the partfile, change the selection intent to face (or solid). Select a face/body to apply the decal to. Now you need to locate the decal on the face.

Select the new icon in the palette (you can give it a name if you want) and MB3 --> Edit. Select the Texture Space tab and then select the Center Point button. Select a point on the face, select the Up Vector. This is to clock the tiff. Specify the Up direction and do the same with the Normal Vector. Apply and shade a High Quality Image (Photo-Realistic).


KB Article ID# PL8698748



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