In this scenario, the user is working in a Solid Edge Embedded Client (SEEC) managed environment and has configured the Teamcenter Dispatcher module for 'sedfttopdf' to manage DFT to PDF translation, then installed this according to the Dispatcher documentation. General DFT to PDF translation with attributes synchronization is working without any issues.
However, they see an issue when translating a Solid Edge DFT file with a linked jpg from Teamcenter. The resulting file is a PDF but without the linked picture from the DFT file.
SolutionThis is currently working 'by design'. The workaround - and recommended workflow - is to embed the image in the draft instead of linking. The background to this is that Solid Edge does not create a GRM link between the managed image and the draft (as is done for a Part Copy).
By turning off 'Link to file' the image will be embedded and added to the PDF.