NX Hole Milling with Cutter Compensation

NX for Manufacturing



When using linear non-cut motions alongside cutter compensation in a hole milling operation type the error message, "No second target coordinate available to calculate radius correction" may be displayed. This will occur during the machine code based simulation. 

In this example, the sim01 sample machine with a Sinumerik controller is used. A hole milling operation on a simple part was created. 

Figure 1 - sim01 Sample Machine

The hole milling operation has CutCom enabled for the Final Pass and Output Contact/Tracking Data is checked on. 

Figure 2 - Cutter Compensation

The Engage Type is set to Circular. 

Figure 3 - Engage Type

The Retract Type is set to Linear.

Figure 4 - Retract Type - Linear

Running the simulation in Machine Code Based Simulation eventually displays the error message.

Figure 5 - Error Message


A solution can be achieved by making modifications to the Non-Cut Moves, specifically the Retract Type in this instance. 

Setting the Retract Type to Circular and regenerating the operation results in a successful simulation. 

Figure 6 - Retract Type - Circular


Helical Retract Type would also provide an error free outcome. The issue relates to the use of Linear motions when Cutter Compensation is applied. 

KB Article ID# PL8694636



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Manufacturing General