Regarding NX fonts in PMI and Drafting environment




The initial value of "Fonts to Use" in Customer Defaults settings was "Standard and NX Fonts" until the NX 1926 Series. But since NX 1953 Series, it has been changed to "Standard Fonts Only". To enable NX fonts, need to set this initial value to "Standard and NX Fonts" or "NX Fonts Only".

Also, in NX 1980 Series, a new type of note input system was introduced, so when using NX fonts, it is necessary to set a specific NX font, such as the "kanji", as the initial value.


Setup steps:

=NX1953 or later=

1. Start NX

2. Customer Defaults > Drafting > General/Setup > Miscellaneous

    -1. Set “Fonts to Use” to “Standard and NX Fonts” or “NX Fonts Only”

3. Restart NX > try to input PMI (or Drafting) Note

=NX1980 and higher, in addition to the above, needs an additional setting (accompanied by the introduction of a new note entry system)=

4. File > Preferences > PMI (or Drafting) > Common > Lettering

  -1. For example, set “Text Parameters” to “kanji” as NX font



5. Input PMI (or Drafting) Note


1. Starting with NX 1980 Series, a new note entry system was introduced. This system only supports Standard fonts, so in order to use NX fonts, it is necessary to perform the above step "4." in advance and configure the old note entry system to work.

= Reference: New note entry system=

=Reference: Old style=

2. For texts related to dimensions (Dimension Text, Appended Text, Tolerance Text), the above step "4." is not essential, and it is possible to change the setting to NX font when entering dimensions. If you want to use a specific NX font as the default, it's possible to set it from PMI settings "File > Preferences > PMI (Drafting) > Dimension > Text > Appended Text, Dimension Text, Tolerance Text".



***Please refer to PL8692540 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V2212
  • Windows x64 10

KB Article ID# PL8692548



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