Able to create PMI angular and chamfer dimensions for planar faces, but not for conical faces. (not allow even to select.)
Reproduced Steps:
1. Create a cylindrical solid and a chamfer
2. Try to create PMI angle and chamfer dimension
The behavior was working as designed and there were some design limitation to cylindrical and conical shapes, but it has been enhanced/implemented. The following NX versions have been improved to allow selection and input of cylindrical and conical faces.
Angular Dimension : NX 2206 Series
Chamfer Dimension:NX 2212 Series
By modeling 3D shape, such as the lines, create PMI angular dimension for it.
NotesAngular Dimension(What’s New in NX 2206)
Chamfer Dimension(What’s New in NX 2212)
***Please refer to PL8691651 for Japanese article.