About value of the "PDFWSS_SOURCE" attribute




Steps to reproduce:

1. Create any simple geometry in NX for e.g. Solid block

2. Export it as STEP AP214 file. While exporting in Export STEP File dialog > Data to Export (tab) > turn ON "Product Data" option.

Step file will be exported.

3. Now import this step file into a new part file in NX.

4. Open this part file in which you have imported step file.

5. Menu > File > Properties.

6. Note that in the 'Displayed Part Properties' dialog, PDFWSS_SOURCE attribute value is shown as .notknown.

7. Edit its value to any value.

8. Save the file and export this file as STEP AP214 again.

9. Import the step file created at step 8 into a new file.

10. Open the file created at step 9.

11. Menu > File > Properties.

12. Note that in the 'Displayed Part Properties' dialog, PDFWSS_SOURCE attribute value will be shown as .notknown.

This value is not shown as set in step 7.


"PDFWSS_SOURCE” is designed to take only two values “.MADE.” and “.BOUGHT.” if any other value is entered it will write “.notknown.”

KB Article ID# PL8688296



Associated Components