Moving MENCMachining data between TC environments




NX CAM objects exist in a standard Teamcenter structure that includes an Activities folder (which is an MEActivity item) containing imported files from the NS session: posted code, tools, work instructions, shop documentation, etc. Is it possible to export the entire MENCMachining item structure, with the CAM setup UGMasters, and the Activities folder contents, so the whole package of data can be imported into another Teamcenter environment?


Yes. The one requirement is to have the CAM setup existing in or sent to the Manufacturing Process Planner (MPP) application in Teamcenter (TC). In many cases, sites will be using MPP as part of the standard workflow for creating manufacturing data in TC, but if this is not the case, the setup will need to be sent to MPP. Working in the MPP application enables TC to correctly find and manage all the relations and data that are specific to manufacturing objects.

Beginning with the same example "000605" item as in the picture above, we send the setup to MPP:

In MPP, go to the setup's tab and select the top level setup. If the setup already exists in MPP inside of a process plan, pick the setup under the operation:

From the main TC menu

 - go to Tools; Export; To PLMXML

 - set a destination folder

 - set an export filename (if you want this different than the default)

 - choose a Transfer Mode.  There are several that will work, but the one with the widest scope is the standard ConfiguredDataFilesExportDefault

 - Ok

You will now see the results in the specified folder. The xml file is the summary of all the items and their relations, and the subfolder contains the NX prt files, code files, etc from this complete item:

For the import in the destination TC environment, we again need to be in MPP, and you would reverse the steps. On the main menu, go to Tools; Import; From PLMXML. Browse to the xml file from the export and choose an appropriate Transfer Mode, such as the ConfiguredDataImportDefault:

This should build a complete data structure for this MENCMachining item in the destination TC database.

KB Article ID# PL8687328



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