"Save All" does not work after setting some user expressions to "Hide in Part Navigator"




After hiding the user expression of a component exists under an assembly using "Hide in Part Navigator", I performed "Save All" from the top assembly, but the component modified with the user expression hidden is not saved.

Reproduced Steps:

1. Create an assembly and a component

2. After make the component work part, define some user expressions

3. Part Navigator > User Expressions > select one expression > MB3 > Edit in Expression Editor... > Hide in Part Navigator

Example, hide A and B expressions

4. After make the top assembly work part >File > Save > Save All

5. File > Close > All Parts and reopen the assembly/component and confirm the changes.

You can find the modified component will not be saved.


This behavior is due to NX bug and will be fixed in NX 2306.

The root cause is that even if performing "Hide ( or Show) in Part Navigator", the "Modified" flag is not set.


Perform "Save" or "Save Work Part only" on the state of the modified component is working part.


This issue has been occurred since NX 1980.

***Please refer to PL8686057 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V1980
  • Windows x64 10

KB Article ID# PL8686061



Associated Components