How to display a raster image in 3D in some selected model/PMI views only?




When you import a raster image into a 3D model that image will be displayed in any model view, while it should be more convenient if that image can be associated to and displayed in some model/PMI views only as it occurs for PMIs.


Raster images added to 3D models are not PMI objects, thus you cannot expect they are view-dependent as any PMI object is; eventually those images will be displayed in any model/PMI view.

In order to selectively display an image only in one or some model/PMI views you can resort to Layers management.

If for instance the user wants to display such a raster image in the 3d model in only one single model/PMI view then he can follow these steps:

- create/move the raster image to a specific layer, let's say layer 99 and make it invisible in (Ctrl+L) Layers Settings

- make current work view the model/PMI view where that raster image should be displayed

- menu Format > Layer Visible in View -> OK to proceed > in the Layers list select layer 99 and make it Visible, then Ok

- as last action do not forget to Save the work view (RMB on the work view in Part Navigator > Save)

Eventually that raster image stored on layer 99 will be made visible only in that specific model/PMI view.

If the user wants to display that raster image in most model/PMI views except a few of them then he might want to leave that layer (where the raster image is stored) visible in all views, then by using the usual 'Layers Visible in View' command he would make that layer invisible in all model/PMI views that won't display the raster image; however in this case the user will have to make current/work one model view at a time, use the 'Layers Visible in View' command and cycle through (Make work view, use 'Layers Visible in View' command, Save view) each single view that won't display the raster image.

This method applies to any 3D model objects (e.g. wireframe), not only to raster images.

KB Article ID# PL8684474



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