The customer wants to adjust the Timeout for a FlexLM floating License and asks if the current Solid Edge floating licensing supports the FlexLM TIMEOUT option?
The reason for the question is that when using the previous vendor daemon of selmd licensing, although the TIMEOUT/TIMEOUTALL option appeared to indicate this could be set, it was in fact always inactive.
SolutionSince Solid Edge moved to the Common Licensing Tool - switching to the common vendor daemon of ugslmd, this option is now activated and can be defined in the Options File ugslmd.opt
Additionally, for the new Siemens Licensing Tool that uses the vendor daemon saltd, this option is also activated .
The daemon declares a process inactive when it has not received heartbeats from it, whereas an active FlexEnabled application will send heartbeats. A TIMEOUT line needs to be present in the options file in order to take advantage of this feature.
The minimum value for the TIMEOUT variable - for both ugslmd and saltd - needs to be 900 seconds.
NotesIf you have further inquiries about floating Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:
Solid Edge Floating License FAQs Collection