Unable to hide parentheses for reference dimensions




I have changed Sketch settings to change the display of a sketch reference dimension from parentheses to un-parentheses, but unable to change it.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create sketch reference dimension with parentheses

2. On the Part Navigator, select the currently active sketch feature > Right mouse button > Settings

    -1. Turn off "Add Parentheses to Reference Dimensions" switch in "General" group

    -2. Finish the dialog with OK


The behavior is due to NX problem and is fixed in NX 2212 Series.

Workaround :

After doing step 2 above, once the reference dimension is converted to the active dimension, it can be displayed without parentheses by changing it to the reference dimension again.


The issue occurs in NX 1980 Series and higher.

This is a problem that occurs in the case of existing reference dimensions, and regarding dimensions that are newly converted to references, the setting values are correctly reflected.

***Please refer to PL8682445 for Japanese article.

Release Versions
  • NX V2015
  • Windows x64 10

KB Article ID# PL8682446



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