How to Create Arrangements in an Assembly




How to create an arrangement in an assembly and display different arrangements in an assembly drawing.


Review the attached video for the procedure.  Please also see the detailed steps below.

How to Create Arrangements in an Assembly

Adding the Arrangement Column to Assembly Navigator

1.       With your assembly open, go to the Assembly Navigator and right click on one of the column headers and select Properties.

2.       In the Assembly Navigator Properties dialog, select the Columns tab and find Arrangement in the list and select it to turn it on.

3.       Click Ok.

Creating an Arrangement

1.       In the Assembly Navigator, select the part that will be used in the new arrangement and select Properties.

2.       In the Parameters tab under the Parameters group, ensure that Individually Positioned is selected and click OK.

-          Note: If this is not selected, the part will not move.

3.       Right click on the top-level Assembly and choose Arrangements -> Edit.

4.       In the Assembly Arrangements dialog, click New Arrangement, enter a name for the arrangement and click Close.

5.       Right click on the top-level assembly and select Arrangement and choose the arrangement that will be worked on.

6.       Alter the assembly as desired.

-          Note: All changes to the part arrangements will be saved to the current arrangement.

7.       Now when a different arrangement is chosen, the assembly will update accordingly.

Adding Arrangement Views to Drawings

1.       With your drawing open, choose the Home tab -> View -> Base View.

2.       In the Base View dialog, under the Part Group, choose the assembly containing the arrangements if it is not already chosen.

3.       In the Arrangement group, select the desired arrangement as the Arrangement to Use.

4.       Click to place the Base View on the sheet.

5.       The Base View dialog window will automatically close, and your Base View will be placed on the drawing.

-          Note: To create a base view of another arrangement, please repeat this process.

KB Article ID# PL8681469



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